Kim Vigsbo Portfolio

UX Designer / UI Designer / Webflow Designer

I Created My First HTML Page In 1995

I earned a BS degree in Graphics Design in 1985. I initially wanted to become an industrial designer, but some months into my degree studies, I was presented with an opportunity to include HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) in my studies.

Besides creating user-friendly and simplified designs, the UX side of me often performs these tasks:

  • Competitive audit
  • Tech audit
  • Accessibility audit
  • User surveys
  • Stakeholder Discovery Workshops
  • Qualitative Interviews
  • Product User Testing
  • Surveys and Studies
  • Discovery Analysis

I design websites using the Webflow platform. Every website I create is mobile-friendly and fully responsive.

To develop a strong design foundation, I use a five-step system to ensure that the final product can address the user's needs and be successfully adopted with a minimal learning curve.‍

  1. Empathize: I strive to understand the needs and motivations of my client's audience.
  2. Define: I define the problems to solve, the goals to hit, and the ideal experience for the users.
  3. Ideate: I use my creativity to develop ideas to address these needs and goals.
  4. Prototype: I translate these ideas into clickable, working prototypes.
  5. Test: I test my ideas with real users to get feedback and refine my concept.

This process lets me design usable interactive solutions using common interactive patterns that are immediately familiar to users — because I believe the best user experiences should be barely noticeable to the user.

IAAP button

I am a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.

Dyslexic Thinking

I am Dyslexic

It has been referred to as Learning Disabilities, but it has slowly become neurodiverse in later years.

I have a keen eye for colors, layouts, and designs and have mastered the art of converting written, verbal, and image-based project specifications into solid UX/UI designs.